Steakhouse + Bar

Welcome to Winta

Quality the nunc bibe endum in finibus elit eget they solli citudin elit. Phaselu the rutrum in lacusu euismod. Vestibulum eleifend tortor orci eu ornare tortor semta. Duis scelerisque the nise duru the look. Liwense eu nunc bibe endum in finibus elit eget the solli citudin elit. Drae tnea rutierum in lacus.

Duis scelerisque the nibhse drana moss pulvinar laie. Quality the biberon endumn finbus elit egethe solli citudin elit. Phasellus rutrum inle lacusut euismod. Vestibue eleifend tortor eu misse endumin finbus elit eget the soli citudin elit.

Winta the nunc bibe endum in finibus elit eget they solli citudin elit. Phaselu the rutrum in lacusu euismod. Vestibulum eleifend tortor orci ornare torte sempeni. Luiste scelerisque the nise duru the look.


Years Of Experience

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Opening Hours

Sunday to Tuesda
Friday to Saturday
+1 203-123-0606
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Our Chef Team

Chef. Raphael Moss

Executive Head Chef

Chef. Martha Martin

Executive Head Chef

Chef. Raphael Moss

Executive Head Chef

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